MVHS and Communications Workers of America/United Food and Commercial Workers Unions Reach Contract Agreement

Officials from Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS) and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) unions, which represents nursing positions at St. Luke’s Hospital and technical and service/maintenance jobs at St. Luke’s and St. Elizabeth, have reached an agreement on a new three-year contract. CWA/UFCW presented the details of…

SUNY Poly Mohawk River water contamination research led by Professor Carolyn Rodak published in ‘Water’

      Carolyn Rodak, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, with SUNY Poly research assistant Michael Ormanoski and University at Albany research assistant Kyle J. Lininger, published, “Observations and Correlations from a 3-Year Study of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in the Mohawk River in Upstate NY,” in Water. The research used the detection of fecal indicator bacteria…

Lauren Call Joins CPS Recruitment

  CPS Recruitment is pleased to announce Lauren Kahl has joined the company as an Account Executive. In this role she is responsible for business growth for the organization in the Buffalo region by developing strong customer relationships to assist clients with their talent needs.  Ms. Kahl will also be actively engaged in the Buffalo…

SBDC Now Hiring for Business Advisor

The Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at MVCC’s thINCubator is here to help with your business start-up, growth, and expansion needs. Staffed by certified professionals, the SBDC specializes in providing one-to-one business counseling, management and technical advisement, and educational programs targeted to the needs and interests of small business owners. If you or…

Get the Scoop at our Summer Preview Day

  The Undergraduate Admissions Office at SUNY Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly) is hosting a Summer Preview Day that is designed for prospective students who are just starting their college search.  You are invited to join us on campus on Wednesday, August 10 for one of our “Get the Scoop” programs.   Begin the college search process…

Join Our League!

Take in a show with no better view, as a Season Subscriber with Broadway Theatre League of Utica!  Click here for details     If you’re not on our mailing list or receiving Member Mentions, please click here to sign up.  PLATINUM INVESTORS

MVHS Graduates Family Medicine Residents

Nine doctors graduated from the St. Elizabeth Family Medicine Residency Program on Friday, June 24, 2022, bringing the total number of family physicians completing the three-year, postdoctoral training program to 317. The program is an affiliate of Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS). Residency program director T. Eric Schackow, MD, PhD, said the physicians have trained…