New York Sash Announces Operations Manager

  New York Sash is proud to announce the promotion of Rachel Smith to Operations Manager. Smith has been with the New York Sash team since 2012, working her way from Reception to Administrative Assistant to Installation Coordinator and most recently, Production Manager. In her new role as Operations Manager, Smith will coordinate elements of…

RCIL & Assy. Buttenschon Recognize April as Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Appreciation Month

  The Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL) and Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon recognize April as Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Appreciation Month; a time to raise awareness and help our community accept and appreciate individuals with autism and the contributions they provide, while empowering individuals with autism and their families.   Individuals with autism often have…

Restaurant Revitalization Fund, UIDC Loan Program, and More

Click here for the latest news! The Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at MVCC’s thINCubator is here to help with your business start-up, growth, and expansion needs. Staffed by certified professionals, the SBDC specializes in providing one-to-one business counseling, management and technical advisement, and educational programs targeted to the needs and interests of…

Gov’t Contracting Webinar, Leads & Lattes, and More

Click here for the latest newsletter!   The Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at MVCC’s thINCubator is here to help with your business start-up, growth, and expansion needs. Staffed by certified professionals, the SBDC specializes in providing one-to-one business counseling, management and technical advisement, and educational programs targeted to the needs and interests…

Emergency Preparedness Project Seeks Input from Individuals Living with Paralysis, Their Families, and Caregivers

  When disaster strikes, will you be prepared? Nobody knows when a disaster is going to occur, or what type of disaster it is going to be. However, today’s preparation could mean tomorrow’s survival. With support of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, Living Independently is For Everyone at the Resource Center for Independent Living…

MVHS Announces DAISY Award to Honor Extraordinary Nurses

  Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS) is adopting the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses, an international recognition program that celebrates compassionate care. “We are proud of the dedication and commitment demonstrated by our nurses” said Linda McCormack-Miller RN DNP NEA-BC, senior vice president/chief nursing officer. “The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses is one way that…

SUNY Poly Spinoff NoMIS Power Group Looking to Provide for Next-Gen Clean Tech Solutions

NoMIS Power Group, a SUNY Polytechnic Institute spinoff, has blossomed from the institution’s unique high-tech educational and research ecosystem. It began from a research effort begun in September of 2019, when postdoc Dr. Adam Morgan connected with Associate Professor of Nanoengineering Dr. Woongje Sung and his students to help them further evaluate their silicon carbide…