MVHS Offers Breastfeeding Café and Free Classes, Support for Mothers

        The Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS) Maternal Child Services offers free monthly breastfeeding classes for expectant parents who have chosen or are considering breastfeeding. Common breastfeeding concerns will be addressed and breastfeeding education and resource information will be provided. Fathers are encouraged to attend. Classes are held at the St. Luke’s…

Baird Employees Recognized With New Titles

            Three employees in the Baird Utica Branch have recently received new titles:   Scott George is now a Managing Director.  Scott is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ CFP® Professional, and a Chartered Retirement Plans SpecialistSM™.  He has been with Baird since 2005.   Zack Maxwell is now a Senior Vice President. Zack…

SUNY Poly Foundation Announces $75,000 in New Donations to Establish Endowed Scholarships

The SUNY Poly Foundation is announcing a total of $75,000 in donations from three sets of individuals to establish merit-based scholarship programs and further defray educational costs for undergraduate students attending SUNY Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly). Overall, the scholarships, detailed below, aim to ensure that students who have a history of strong academic efforts, financial…

Supporting A04717 to streamline regulatory burdens

Approved March 8, 2022 RESOLUTION OF THE GREATER UTICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPORTING A04717 TO STREAMLINE REGLATORY BURDENS WHEREAS,  proposed NYS Assembly Bill A04717 would create the Division of Regulatory Review and Economic Growth to review regulatory processes and permit requirements in order to facilitate economic growth;  and WHEREAS,  this proposed legislation is co-sponsored by…