Approved March 8, 2022


WHEREAS,  proposed NYS Assembly Bill A04717 would create the Division of Regulatory Review and Economic Growth to review regulatory processes and permit requirements in order to facilitate economic growth;  and

WHEREAS,  this proposed legislation is co-sponsored by sixteen members of the Assembly, including local Assembly member Brian Miller and Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay;  and

WHEREAS,  the goal of this legislation is to reduce overly burdensome regulations and reduce the costs of such regulations for businesses in New York; and

WHEREAS,  the legislation would create a state entity and commissioner tasked with providing oversight, review and analysis of the rules and regulatory processes of state agencies; and

WHEREAS,  the Commissioner would report annually and make binding recommendations to the Governor and Legislature regarding overly burdensome state codes, rules, regulations, regulatory processes, and permit requirements and to eliminate or amend them;  and

WHEREAS,  the annual report would include specific details concerning estimated cost savings to the taxpayers from such recommendations and the actual savings derived from the implementation of prior recommendations; and

WHEREAS,  the Commissioner would review the State Environmental Quality Review process (SEQR) and develop recommendations to make it more efficient, timely, predictable, and transparent to ensure the process does not stifle economic growth in New York state; and

WHEREAS,  the Governor and the Legislature would continue to have the power to override such recommendations when deemed necessary; and

WHEREAS,  the legislation would also establish an 800 number hotline through which businesses could report problems and obtain assistance when encountering difficulties with other state agencies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce supports the adoption of Assembly bill A04717 and urges the State Senate to develop and pass companion legislation for presentation to the Governor.

WHEREAS,  proposed NYS Assembly Bill A04717 would create the Division of Regulatory Review and Economic Growth to review regulatory processes and permit requirements in order to facilitate economic growth;  and

WHEREAS,  this proposed legislation is co-sponsored by sixteen members of the Assembly, including local Assembly member Brian Miller and Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay;  and

WHEREAS,  the goal of this legislation is to reduce overly burdensome regulations and reduce the costs of such regulations for businesses in New York; and

WHEREAS,  the legislation would create a state entity and commissioner tasked with providing oversight, review and analysis of the rules and regulatory processes of state agencies; and

WHEREAS,  the Commissioner would report annually and make binding recommendations to the Governor and Legislature regarding overly burdensome state codes, rules, regulations, regulatory processes, and permit requirements and to eliminate or amend them;  and

WHEREAS,  the annual report would include specific details concerning estimated cost savings to the taxpayers from such recommendations and the actual savings derived from the implementation of prior recommendations; and

WHEREAS,  the Commissioner would review the State Environmental Quality Review process (SEQR) and develop recommendations to make it more efficient, timely, predictable, and transparent to ensure the process does not stifle economic growth in New York state; and

WHEREAS,  the Governor and the Legislature would continue to have the power to override such recommendations when deemed necessary; and

WHEREAS,  the legislation would also establish an 800 number hotline through which businesses could report problems and obtain assistance when encountering difficulties with other state agencies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce supports the adoption of Assembly bill A04717 and urges the State Senate to develop and pass companion legislation for presentation to the Governor.