World Heart Day (WHD), created by the World Heart Federation, was celebrated on Sunday, September 29, 2024. WHD aims to acknowledge the world’s number one cause of death – cardiovascular disease (CVD). Combined, conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels – such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure – kill 20.5 million every year (World Heart Federation).

MMRI has been making significant strides in heart disease research with a focus on the molecular and genetic effects that lead to the onset of congenital heart disease, adult-stage heart failure, diabetes-associated cardiovascular disease, cardiac inflammation, cardiomyopathies, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and arrhythmias. MMRI’s focus is on researching the disease’s signs and symptoms, developing therapeutics to prevent and treat related ailments and educating future generations.

The linked video about Sal Raspante and his family is a testament to the importance of heart disease research in our community and beyond. Our dedicated scientists are people inspired by purpose, working relentlessly to uncover cures and treatments for some of the world’s most pressing health challenges, including heart disease. Consider donating to MMRI today to further our scientist’s research endeavors.