SUNY Poly has been ranked highly across a number of its programs for excellent return on investment (ROI), meaning the cost of a degree, whether a bachelor’s or master’s degree, leads to greater earnings than alumni might expect by attending other colleges or universities.

Specifically, DegreeChoices ranked SUNY Poly in the top 25 out of 159 other schools in New York State for financial ROI, with bachelor’s programs in mechanical engineering, engineering, and nursing ranked in the top 20. SUNY Poly’s master’s in nursing placed in the top 20, and its master’s in accounting placed in the top 25 in New York State.

DegreeChoices based their rankings on a school’s “economic score,” resulting from two metrics: payback and “earningsplus.”

  • Paybackshows how long in years it will take the median student to payback their educational cost with marginal earnings.
  • To determine earningsplusDegreeChoicesadds a school’s students to a cohort with all the students in the same state and from the same enrolment year. They calculate the weighted average earnings of that cohort, and then compare that to the median earnings of students from the individual school.
  • Economic scoreis how DegreeChoices determines ranking order. They divide a school’s payback rate by the earningsplus percentage. If a school has an earningsplus that is higher than the weighted average, the economic score will be lower than the payback rate, and vice versa. Importantly, the lower the economic score, the better the economic return for graduates from that school.

View the Rankings Below:

School Level

#21 of 159 schools in NY for financial ROI

Bachelor’s programs

#9 of 21 schools for bachelor’s in mechanical engineering in NY

#12 of 26 schools for bachelor’s in engineering in NY

#17 of 46 schools for bachelor’s in nursing in NY

Master’s programs

#17 of 33 schools for master’s in nursing in NY

#21 of 45 schools for master’s in accounting in NY

These rankings are significant because they further highlight how SUNY Poly provides strong financial ROI and future economic mobility for students—especially because the top reason students attend college, to get a better-paying job and achieve a financially secure future, is often not reflected in a number of other college rankings.

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