Best Accredited Colleges, a resource for program rankings and higher education information, has included SUNY Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly) on its list of the Best Online Bachelor Degree Programs in Accounting (#10), as well as its list of the Best Bachelor’s of Finance Degrees (#11). Both lists are comprised of leading higher education institutions from across the United States.

Best Accredited Colleges indicates they created their guides and school rankings with student education in mind. According to the organization, the rankings will “help readers and potential students learn about SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s excellent offerings. We considered hundreds of institutions across the country and ranked SUNY Polytechnic Institute using data around financial aid awards, the quality of education, faculty, campus resources, and more.”

Designed to expand employment possibilities and open doors in your current career, SUNY Poly’s fully online Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Online BSA) program meets the educational needs of learners or professionals who have job obligations, service duties, or family responsibilities. This Online BSA can be completed at a pace that fits your schedule. The flexibility enabled by the online environment empowers you to earn a BSA degree from anywhere you need to be.

SUNY Poly’s Bachelor of Science in Finance program is designed to prepare students for seeking employment in organizations such as banks, investment companies, brokerage houses, or in the finance departments of corporations.

SUNY Poly was also listed among ‘Best Accounting Online MBA programs’ in the nation by OnlineMBACoach. The SUNY Poly curriculum emphasizes the application of modern approaches to frame, evaluate, and resolve business difficulties to prepare students for upper-level management positions. The online MBA program’s varied coursework is founded on management, finance, accounting, and economic ideas supported by facts. It uses robust experiential learning strategies, design-thinking methodologies, and quantitative and qualitative evaluations.

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