The Community at Sunset Wood is proud to announce the launch of our BRAND NEW Wellness Program! SW Wellness has been designed to address what we call “the 4-pillars of wellness” including our Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Social health. The sun in our SW Wellness logo (designed by McGrogan Design) represents everlasting energy that empowers us to become healthier physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially.


“We have already begun to change internal programming for the betterment of our tenants’ overall wellness,” says Dominick M. Manfredo, Executive Director / CEO. “Our goal is to find out what each tenant enjoys on a personal level, and engage them in that program. Already, we have seen a 100% increase in participation for our socially distanced physical programs like Walking Club – and there are only more surprises to come!”


The SW Wellness Program is led internally by Kendall X. Hicks II, Sunset Wood’s Wellness Coordinator. “Moving forward we will see programs that are aimed to improve not only physical, but mental, spiritual and social wellness, too. Our goal is to bring innovative & creative programs that tenants can enjoy all while improving their level of independence.”


For more information on the SW Wellness Program please visit our new tab on the website


#lifeisgood #atsunsetwood #wellness #seniorliving

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