Mister C Live Vol. 3 – When Science Goes Viral & Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure Coming to Rome Capitol Theatre!

Get ready to spark your curiosity with Mister C Live Vol. 3 -When Science Goes Viral presented by Broadway Utica at Rome Capitol Theatre on November 4th, 2024, at 10:30 am and Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure! coming on Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10:30 am.

Broadway Utica is thrilled to announce these two cool additions to our educational
programming for the upcoming season. We invite educators, their students, and science
enthusiasts to experience the electrifying world of Mister C Live Vol. 3 – When Science
Goes Viral and Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure! Renowned for merging the thrill of
theater with the wonders of scientific exploration, this event promises to be a highlight
of our S.T.E.A.M. initiatives.

Mister C Live Vol. 3 – When Science Goes Viral

Prepare to be a part of the world’s coolest and most popular science experiments.
Attendees won’t just be spectators; they’ll be active participants in Mister C’s science
crew. This interactive performance is designed to foster curiosity, encourage
exploration, and even celebrate the learning that comes from failure.

Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure!

A co-commissioned piece by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Arts, Family Theatre.
Created by David Epley in Seattle, WA, this show promises to engage students with a
mix of interactive science experiments, comedy, and messages of personal

This performance is not only a fun and engaging way to learn about scientific principles
such as matter, energy, motion, and forces of nature, but it also dives deep into the
social-emotional aspects that many young people face today. Through character acting
and comedy, Doktor Kaboom illustrates how these scientific concepts can be metaphors
for real-life challenges, providing valuable life lessons along the way


Broadway Utica is dedicated to uniting educational programming with the arts to
enrich our community’s learning landscape. When Science Goes Viral aligns perfectly
with this mission, offering a unique educational experience that supports classroom
learning in an engaging, entertaining format. It’s a perfect opportunity for school field
trips, providing students with a dynamic learning environment that complements
traditional S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. curricula.

Don’t miss this chance to dive into the exciting world of science with Mister C. and
Doktor Kaboom. These events are ideal for students of all ages, educators looking for
exciting new teaching strategies, and anyone with a curious mind. Schools are especially encouraged to book as a group, as the performance is tailored to complement educational curricula and memorably inspire a love for science.
Let’s bring learning to life together! Click on the following link to register:
MISTER C LIVE https://forms.gle/EueGaRb4SjSD9PBF6
DOKTOR KABOOM https://forms.gle/WkT26ht3R12ZgnHp8
Reserve your spot at Broadway Utica’s presentation of Mister C Live Vol. 3 – When
Science Goes Viral and Doktor Kaboom: Under Pressure and ensure your students have front-row seats to this unique blend of science and live theater