The Boilermaker Road Race held a press conference at its race headquarters on Tuesday morning to unveil the new 2020 logo. The logo which, similar to 2019, includes distinct designs for the 15K presented by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and the Utica National 5K, as well as an overall race design. The logo was designed by Ryan McGrogan of McGrogan Design, which also created the 2019 logo as well as the Boilermakerโ€™s Court Street mural, inaugurated in July of 2019.


Officials also took the opportunity to introduce a new limited-time registration window to celebrate the 2020 race. Beginning at 12 AM on January 1st, runners will have 20 hours and 20 minutes to register or until 2,020 spots have been filled. The New Yearโ€™s Day registration applies exclusively to the 15K and includes several perks. These include pricing, the opportunity to purchase a limited edition, neon training shirt and a free interactive Boilermaker training video, filmed during the 2019 race. 5K registration will not be available until the raceโ€™s normal registration period in March.


The special registration period is open to anyone registering for the 15K, regardless of previous participation in Boilermaker events. The Priority Status of 2019 finishers or deferrals will not be affected by this registration period in any way. As is typical, the race will continue to hold its traditional registration process in March, beginning with Early Access followed by Open Registration.


A full explanation of New Yearโ€™s Day registration, its associated perks and general registration rules are available at, as is new 2020 Boilermaker apparel.

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