At 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7, Munson Museum of Art will unveil its greatest acquisition in 75 years—an important painting by the celebrated African American artist Robert Seldon Duncanson (1821–1872), “Vale of Kashmir”—capping several years of pursuit and careful negotiation.

Robert Seldon Duncanson (American, 1821–1872), Vale of Kashmir, 1864. Oil on canvas. 18 x 30 1/8 in. Museum Purchase, Helen Munson Williams Fund and a Gift in Memory of Jill S. Maney (1964–2021), 2024.5.

A spectacular new treasure in the Museum’s strong collection of paintings from the mid-1800s, the painting will be on display Friday, Feb. 7, through Sunday, Feb. 9, in the Museum’s Root Court. It will then be taken down to join the installation of Munson’s upcoming exhibition “Canvas to Culture: Thomas Cole’s Voyage of Life Lives On,” on view Feb. 28 through May 18.


Duncanson was born in Seneca County, N.Y., to a family of free African Americans brought to the region by their Virginian enslavers. Praised by critics and art enthusiasts in his day, he became a major figure in the American landscape movement.

Apart from its significance from an art historical perspective, “Vale of Kashmir” marks a watershed moment in the Munson collection. It is the first painting by a 19th-century African American artist to enter the collection. This acquisition supports Munson’s goal to continually diversify its collections with works by under-represented artists.

For more information on Munson’s exhibitions and collections, visit or call 315-797-0000.