Supporting Proposition that Covid Vaccinations be Distributed According to Local County Plans

Approved February 9, 2021 RESOLUTION OF THE GREATER UTICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPORTING PROPOSITION THAT COVID VACCINATIONS BE DISTRIBUTED Β ACCORDING TO LOCAL COUNTY PLANS   WHEREAS; the State of New York’s Covid vaccination program is causing enormous confusion and frustration for citizens attempting to schedule vaccine appointments through online appointment calendars and openings are scarce…

Supporting Relief Package For Restaurants And Small Businesses

Approved February 9, 2021 RESOLUTION OF THE GREATER UTICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPORTING RELIEF PACKAGE FOR RESTAURANTS AND SMALL BUSINESSES   WHEREAS; various senators in the New York State Senate, including Sen. George Borrello from Jamestown, NY, are co-sponsoring several legislative measures that are aimed supporting the restaurant industry and other small businesses adversely affected…